Do you wonder if this was staged? This is politics, so the only thing that matters is the illusion if legitimacy. The Paul campaign put out a statement. The facts are there are multiple events of apparent violence by both sides. It was reported (reading from the same posting about this incident on Huffington Post) that a Rand Paul supporter (also a woman) was assaulted, but who has times for facts?
Also reported was the fact that the woman was a paid instigator. An actor in the theater of politics.
It's admitted that she was paid to attend multiple events trying to insert herself next to Rand Paul for the purpose of getting some kind of embarrassing photo taken.
It's not all all out of the question that she and others around her were attempting to goad someone into overreacting to her premeditated attempts at creating a controversy. And it's still unclear who the male was - he could just as easily been a provocateur (if they fail to identify him given all the cameras at the event I'll be even more suspicious that that is the case).
The updates had her pressing charges, then later reporting that she was "leaning towards pressing charges".
At least the headline to the Huffington Post has the decency to say "apparent" supporter... but immediate guilt upon Rand Paul directly for a series of events that are as of yet not fully known.
Cui Bono? -The clear beneficiary of the immediate narrative put forth is for the establishment favored incumbent, that just so happens to have been trailing in the polls and faces an anti-incumbent political landscape.
Here's the Huffington post on it. - It's been updated a few times. The protester had a concussion but was okay and released. The police still haven't identified the boot.
However, staged or not, smashing someone's head with one's boot is deplorable and should be prosecuted to the highest extent of the law.
Look again; they didn't hurt her at all. It wasn't even a "head stomp", so much as a light shove to the shoulder that missed. Security detail saw a problem and took it out; she should be grateful they didn't beat the shiat out of her first. *ANYONE* who RUNS up to a candidate during a heated election period, or even in daily life, is at risk for possibly being shot as an attempted assassin. Fortunately for her cooler heads prevailed, and no one present with a CC permit took her out first.
One Dead Kennedy Later...
You'd think the left in this country would be a little better informed about what happens when politicians get rushed by people in the crowd and how that politician's supporters and security folk tend to react.
She IS damn lucky she didn't get flat out shot dead. Incredibly stupid thing to do...all for an attention whore publicity stunt:
"Lauren Valle of MoveOn.org approached Paul and tried to give him an "employee of the month award" from Republicorp...a fake business MoveOn created to symbolize what it says is the merger of the GOP and business interests controlling political speech."
While one dick move doesn't excuse another dick move, you kinda hadda know that your activity decisions weren't made with your safety in mind. Next time, try not to be such a f*cking smarmy jackass and you'll likely discover your chances of getting your ass kicked drop precipitously.
here's what happened.... The two guys in the video are supporters. They guy who stepped on her is not Mike Pezzano. I really don't like to use people's names so I won't identify who they were, but they were from our group.
It was pretty tense. Conway's side had bussed in some people, so only about half of the Conway were local. You could tell, the local ones were cool. The others were very aggressive and hostile. I got assaulted with a sign while there, but I had a sign of my own and got him back. Don't fuss at me, I used like force, and I am a 5' woman.
So everyone was riled up. When Conway got there, he was allowed to get out of his vehicle and into the building. We did break into a verse of "Hit the road Jack" but we didn't try to get near him or anything.
We had been alerted that she was from moveon.org, so everyone was keeping an eye on her anyway.
When Rand arrived, the Conway people spread out through the parking lot to harrass him on his way in, so some of us went too. We had supporters with signs running alongside his vehicle to keep the Conway folks off of Rand.
When he got to the building entrance and the vehicle stopped, this woman rushed toward it. Someone was yelling "stop her, stop her!" so someone stopped her. First guy just wrestled her to the ground. You can hear people yelling "get the cops!" well that was us too, not someone trying to protect her. She wasn't hurt, she was grinning there on the sidewalk.
The guy who stepped on her shoulder (not stomped on her head) was wrong to do that, but I think he was probably just trying to keep her down. She wasn't trying to get up. He shouldn't have done that, but she shouldn't have created the situation.
It's funny, no one is reporting the other "incident" there. A friend of mine who just had surgery on her foot, wearing a boot, had her foot stomped by one of these thugs. I hope she will be okay. She sat in a chair with her foot bleeding, but all cameras were on the girl. She was right next to the girl but no one interviewed her. Guess you gotta be a paid troublemaker from moveon.org to get press. And the worst part, her foot was crushed in a car accident while she was returning home from doing a Rand booth at an event.
Kinda funny where the cameras are and where they aren't, isn't it?
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