Apr 17, 2008

Time for a Better Idea

Who the hell at Time Magazine thought that this was even remotely a good idea?

This is insulting.

It's a lot more insulting than when Kieth Olbermann and Bob Costas turned out the studio lamps on Sunday Night Football in America - but kept the 19 70" plasma monitors plugged in. And their cameras, and the mics, and the control room, and the satellite... that was just a dumb stunt.

It's not even Shopped well - I mean, it just looks poor!
To boot, it kind of looks a little (a little) like a Bonsai tree. Whew. How insulting, and lazy.

And I know lazy!

I'm sure by the time this hits the news stands the AARP and all the (surviving) WWII vets will be all over television denouncing this magazine cover. I mean, if you don't know why that's insulting, send me an e-mail. Okay?

They should have gone the Van Halen route.
Please note, I don't even care that Time has taken a position on the "debate" of Global Warming/Climate Change/The Great Swindle. Seriously, I just don't care. It's the fact that they couldn't have a suburban mom, a Starbucks barista, a gothy-emo teenager, and a black dude in khakis and a blue shirt - you know, typical 'Mericans - planting that tree LIKE the Iwo Jima image... that COULD have turned heads with out pissing people off.

(Hmmm... on second thought, modern 'Mericans would have been an outsourced call center Indian lady named "Helen", an illegal Mexican lawncare specialist, an adopted Chinese baby, and an illegal Polish house cleaner?)

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