Apr 25, 2008

Wars - with Canada? Take off, eh.

There's a dumbass article today in the The Canadian Press (go on, hit the link) today about how we're going to fight future wars with Canada over the Great Lakes.

But it seems that the US is the one doing all the saber rattling - does that really surprise anyone?
Water issues that are currently emerging will develop into bitter conflicts in the not too distant future when those dry states become increasingly desperate, said Milton Clark, a senior health and science adviser for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

"We will, in fact, get into major water wars," Clark said. "You will see water wars coming in every way, shape or form. In the U.S., there are some leading politicians who have said the Great Lakes do, in fact, belong (to everyone) and all water should be nationalized -- and this certainly is a concern."
And the only thing that prevented a giant straw from Lake Michigan to Las Vegas Nevada was, in fact, Canada. Thank God. Las Vegas would have just used it in a fountain - in the desert - in the summer...

Of course I have a few thoughts on the issue.

1) Perhaps not living where there is no water would be the first step in thinking this problem through. Since that isn't an option, let's move on to number 2.

2) Conservation - never mind, let us move on...

3) Desalination. While this is (supposedly) very expensive and tricky - I would hazard a guess that it MIGHT be a TAD bit less expensive than starting a shooting war with a neighbor that has no defended boarder? Maybe. Still, we're talking about 'Mericans here, so let's think of something else.

4) Recycle your pee. Back to number One, eh? Orange County just built a huge water recycling plant that does exactly that. And you really need to check this web site out - the pictures are just over the top environmental utopia - especially since they're trying to distract the fact they're taking open sewers, cleaning and throwing it back into the ground.

5) Is it going to matter anyway? We're going to be covered in Ice - according to yesterday anyway, and there will be PLENTY of fresh water for everyone! Or is it burnt like a charcoal briquette? Hmmm... BBQ.

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