Apr 22, 2008

HillDog - I'm Going to Nuke Iran

Clinton: "If I am President We Will Attack Iran"

I've been wanting to post something about this, she said it in the debates and got a pass by George Snufflufagus as he was much more concerned about lapel pins.

Then, she did it again. Hey, McCain joked ,"bomb-bomb-bomb Bomb-bomb-Iran" (sung to Beach Boys Barbra Anne)

So here's the cutn'paste of someone else's work on the issue.

In an interview airing tonight on ABC News, Hillary Clinton tells the Iranians something she wants them to know: "I want the Iranians to know that if I'm the president we will attack Iran...In the next ten years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them." The answer came in response to a question about a hypothesized nuclear Iranian attack aimed at Israel, but Clinton didn't seem to differentiate between a conventional weapon attack and a nuclear one in her answer.

I can't recall a time when a major presidential contender promised to attack a foreign country as part of their proposed foreign policy. It was almost as if she was daring Iran to attack. I find it even more difficult to imagine why Hillary Clinton, who is now opposed to the war in Iraq (a war she authorized) and who's constituents are opposed to war in Iraq, would make going to war with Iran a central part of her foreign affairs agenda. If this is the kind of leadership that Clinton brings to the position of Commander-in-Chief I think we have more to fear with her than George Bush. These are the kind of brazen acts of machismo (from a man or a woman) that force this country's hand into stupid conflicts and disadvantageous diplomatic situations. In short, these are the kinds of moronic half-baked thought processes that got us into the Iraq war in the first place.

The more desperate Clinton becomes, the more clearly the American people get to see her true colors. Is this a woman who opposes dumb wars? Or is she flippant about armed conflict? Is she a candidate who values not only free but fair trade? Or does she believe that it's okay to to say one thing to the working class and another thing to those inside the Beltway? This cuts to the heart of my continued argument against a Hillary Clinton candidacy: I cannot trust what she says she believes in.

For the full story head to the ABC article here or watch ABC Nightly News tonight.

(Posted by Andrew)

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