Without getting any concessions from Bush on the Iraq funding bill, it appears that the opposition has folded and completely given up.
Hoyer, Obey, Emanuel- all caved to the statue of Bush. I have a feeling the discussion after the meeting went something like this, "Oh well, time to go on break for Memorial Day! Hey that's okay, Iraq will just end when Bush is out of office. But we'll LOOK strong by kind of pretending to stand up to him for a few minutes. Okay, you're right, a couple seconds."
And the part that no one seems to have figured out - This war
isn't going to end when Bush leaves office. (Shock!) What's this you say? Hey, check the banner.
Believe it or not, the D or the R's are not going to end the war.
If you think they are - you. are. wrong.
The big question I wonder - was this an engineered failure, or are these people really that stupid?
They keep thinking that Bush is a dunce.
I think of this battle much like that of Luke
Skywalker just before he left to 'talk' to the Emperor. "Do not underestimate the power of the Emperor." were Yoda's final words.
Did Luke listen? Hell no - and what happened? Electric hell fire flew out of the Emperor's hands, and that pretty much almost killed him.

Now, granted, Yoda didn't exactly tell him, "Hey, this wrinkled up prune is a Dark Lord of the
Sith and threw the
friggin' Senate at me once." Luckily for Luke, all of his Daddy issues were resolved at the right moment. But that's not my point. The point is that the Democrats continue to underestimate Bush on every
opportunity that is handed to them.
They just keep failing.
These are our leaders? These people expect to win by a landslide next election? They had better start showing more brains than, "well, we're for whatever Bush is against." That hasn't worked in 2 presidential elections.
It should be mentioned, that the
Dems won the last Congressional election. Or, the other side of that black/white coin is that the
Repubs lost because of two words:
Mukaka and
Abramoff. And even with that, it was a close horse race. Then there's our
Vice President who almost was kicked out without so much a kiss goodbye in the Senate.
Bottom line. Stand up. Be leaders. Or shut your mouth and don't be surprised when you are replaced by even more incompetent people from the
oposing party in 'o8.