The U.S. president Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international
diplomacy and cooperation between peoples..."
I'd be a little excited for him if he'd actually, you know, actually accomplished something.
He's trying to dismantle the American Empire, weakening the force of market capitalism, and place more people to be dependent on the government dole. However, as far as success rates - Maybe We Can? I guess the extremely liberal and populist Nobel Committee are expecting something out of this guy?
Meanwhile, George Clooney must be crushed for not getting it for Darfur. And that one guy who created Doctors Without Borders is snubbed again.
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Under any circumstance an appropriate response is to say congratulations
How the fuck do you win the Nobel PEACE prize for continuing one war and escalating another!?!?
This is a classic ploy by the Nobel Committee to shame the recipient into changing his behavior. I've seen this drama played out many times in my long life -- someone who is obviously not a peacenik gets the Prize and feels tremendous pressure to live up to the honor.
In 1994 the Prize was given jointly to Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin -- not what you would call peace-loving doves. In 1978 the Prize was given jointly to Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin -- for the same reason: The Nobel Peace Prize is often more about shaping behavior than honoring behavior.
The left-wing global elite is manipulating Obama, from the UN to the Nobel committee to capitals in Europe. That's exactly what this award is: an attempt to manipulate Obama to the detriment of the United States and keep him on the path he's on toward destroying us as a superpower
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