May 7, 2011

Saturday Morning Video: Damn Atheists

The people were ridiculous, but the reporter was surprisingly impartial. Bravo.

Another thought, Billboard for a christian church - everything is fine and dandy.
Billboard for an athiest gathering - HOW DARE YOU!

But, why does an Atheist need to discuss with other Atheists what they don't believe? Why does god need a Starship?

1 comment:

Cthulhu said...

The idea isn't so much to discuss how one does NY believe in a god. Moreover, its a support group, to let unbelievers know that they are not freaks and not evil. Kinda like some big gay guy starting a campus support group on his college campus. Judging from the ignorant reactions the reporter had, sounds like people who deviate from the norm need al the suport they can get just to feel safe about their own world view.

I mentioned at a dinner party recently that baptism is a form of child slavery. The girl with a cross around her neck told me that she wasn't going to make her kid wear chains. She obviously did not get that claiming to raise a child as part of a cult was a bad thing.