Not sure how, but we made it through another week. It's been a bit busy for me, so I haven't kept up my usual at least three comments a day -- but I'm also so burnt out from the Arizona shooting story... both sides have been unusually loud and obnoxious. I've heard liberal friends actually discuss the idea of scrapping the first amendment. This disturbs me more than when they discuss scrapping the second one.
Sorry, it wasn't discourse - it was that the shooter was an unstable sack of excrement. He didn't watch MSNBC or FOX News - he didn't even watch television. In fact, if you look at the numbers, hardly anyone but reporters watch the cable 'news' channels. 9 things I've learned about the shooter are that he took a picture of himself, his gun and a red thong and dropped that off at Walgreens. He's not nuts - he's f-ing with us. He also got stopped for a moving violation on the way to the Safeway. His parents are messed up, and the neighbors were unnerved by them.
He was a conspiracy nut, and played video games (Earth 2025, specifically). And he turned to drugs after his girlfriend dumped him... 5 years ago. But he loved his dog.
But everyone else is allowing this thing to be a metaphor for everything else in the country... and I'm getting really, really sick of it.

I prefer this method...

Rational discourse...

And the media is completely innocent...

Oh, and Illinois debated ending the death penalty (failed by a vote) and under the cover of darkness, the lame duck State House raised the income and corporate taxes... a lot. So Illinois is still killing people, and business too, apparently.

Meanwhile, half a world a way...

And the one year anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti has come and gone. The Red Cross has spent 50 cents for every dollar raised. The other 50 cents is, er, you know, overhead. So, please, give more!

Hopefully we'll be able to regroup and gather again next week?
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