Aug 23, 2008

I guess it's pretty serious

CNN reports that AP heard my best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Joe Biden pass out at 31 Flavors last night.

I guess it's pretty serious.


Joe's been in the Senate for 36 years.

Foreign Affairs?

Biden is not the original choice... but then if Russia hadn't invaded Georgia?


The man spews diarrhea out of his mouth whenever he opens it. He's gotten into trouble so many times... for instance his now famous Indian-American remark,
“I’ve had a great relationship. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian Americans — moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”
He also got busted for plagiarising a British politician's speech - which knocked him out of the 1988 Presidential race - and kept him out of National politics for, oh, about 20 years... (and that's because no one would give him money. Fund raising. Cash. As in not for you.)

And then when he was running in Iowa, he said this about his now-Running Mate...
“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, … I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
He also mentioned that Obama is not ready to be President.

But the Main Stream Media - is already playing up what a great duo, the pairing of greatness... BECAUSE of Joe's ability to, "Speak his mind" (Even if it seems a little racially insensitive?)
JOHN HARWOOD: He is not somebody who is infused with political correctness, the verbal equivalent of putting his pinky up when he opens his mouth. So this is what, the way ordinary voters are as well. They're not always worried about sort of calibrating every single word by "ooh, is this racially insensitive?" That's something that Joe Biden brings as an asset to the ticket. The gaffes actually show one of his strengths.

(View video of that here.)

Ah, yeah. Well, on the bright side, he'll give me plenty to write about the next couple months...
maybe even the next couple years, right?

And it ain't Hillary.


Anonymous said...

Yes I know he has VAST foreign policy experience. lol

He also has vast experience plagiarizing speeches..

By August 1987, however, Biden's campaign had already begun to lag behind
those of Michael Dukakis and Richard Gephardt.
Then in September 1987, the campaign ran into serious trouble when he was
accused of plagiarizing a speech by Neil Kinnock, then-leader of the British
Labour Party.[23] Though Biden had correctly credited the original author in
all speeches but one, the one where he failed to make mention of the
originator was caught on video.[24] Within days, it was also discovered
that, while at Syracuse Law School, Biden had plagiarized a law review
article in a class paper he wrote. Biden said the act was inadvertent due to
his not knowing the proper rules of citation, and Biden was permitted to
retake the course after receiving a grade of F in the course. Biden also
released at the same time the record of his grades as an undergraduate which
were C's and D's with the exception of two A's in physical education, one B
in a course on English writers and an F in ROTC during his first three
semesters.[25] His grades improved later in his undergraduate career but
were not exceptional.[25] Further, when questioned by a New Hampshire
resident about his grades in law school Biden had claimed falsely to have
graduated in the "top half" of his class, (when he actually graduated 76th
in a class of 85) that he had attended on a full scholarship, and had
received three degrees.[26] In fact he had received a single B.A. in history
and political science and a half scholarship based on financial need.[26]

Faced with these revelations, Biden withdrew from the nomination race on
September 23, 1987, saying his candidacy had been overrun by "the
exaggerated shadow" of his mistakes.[27] After Biden withdrew from the race
it was learned that the Dukakis campaign had secretly made a video
showcasing the Biden/Kinnock comparison and distributed it to news outlets.
Dukakis fired John Sasso, his campaign manager and long-time Chief of

I guess Democrats DO never learn.

But this is good for our side lol.

Capn said...

Dude, did you just cutn' paste Wikipedia, or is that GOPedia?

Either way - citation needed

Anonymous said...

Biden earned an F from the NRA on gun control. That should help Obama win over all those red states.

Anonymous said...

Lobbying for a credit card company and getting special deals? Being one of those evil hedge fund managers that Michaele Obama criticized? Joe Biden's son Hunter and brother are neck-deep in this kind of old-school politics.

This is "change," Obama?

New York Times: Obama Aides Defend Bank's Pay to Biden Son

Washington Post: Biden's Son, Brother Named in Two Suits