In my attempt to reach out and get new readers - I don't understand why you would post your stupid hateful crap on this here little blog. Especially since we're trying to get new readers!
Look, I don't know who you are, or who the hell you bribed to post on this site (I know I didn't see one plug nickel of that sweet money pie!) but I don't appreciate you spoiling all the hard work that I've put into this site. I cut and pasted your hate filled post under the shrill Cindy Sheehan - where that could have just as easily been just a comment.
I was under the impression that you, Killre, and One F were for free speech. No censorship and all.
So it is OK for you three to have a banner with our President flipping off Abraham Lincoln and who knows what happening over on the other side but you will not tolerate a little truth posted here.
Your "moral" censorship is below you.
What do I have to do with this? Cap'n removed it, leave me out of it.
I, by the way, agree with you. Not the sentiment but your right to be an asshole in public. Post away, I say. I like to know who the racists and homophobes are. It makes my job commenting on you easier.
Not racist nor homophobe. Realist.
You need to read some Bill Kristol to understand.
Read the post, Sir.
My point was that it was better left as a comment - not a full blown post, which is what One F is saying too.
My favorite part is that I asked Howard to join to get an opposing viewpoint, perchance create some comments responding to his differing world view, and to get some insights into the intel community.
It worked!
For people that already post on the blog.
Also, may I recommend the Rude Pundit's site today. His 9/11 piece is priceless.
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