On Feb 26, 1993, Iraqi intelligence carried out a false flag operation, using Muslim fundamentalists, to bomb NYC's tallest tower.
[See Laurie Mylroie, "The World Trade Center Bomb: Who is Ramzi Yousef?
And why it Matters,"]
The massive explosion occurred at 12:18 in the public parking garage of the World Trade Center. Six people were killed, all Americans, with more than 1,000 injured. A truck-bomb was the cause. Six Islamic enemy conspirators were convicted of the crime in 1997 and 1998 and given prison sentences of 240 years each. According to a presiding judge, the conspirators' chief aim at the time of the attack was to de-stabilize the north tower and send it crashing into the south tower, toppling both buildings. That did not occur. The buildings held. The assessment has been that the attackers did not have enough money to buy enough explosives to topple the building.
Those behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing were also gathering the ingredients for
a chemical weapon that could have killed thousands. (source)
Huh? Where are Baghdad's fingerprints on the WTC bombing?
"The most compelling cases involve Ramzi Yousef, a twice-convicted
terrorist serving a life sentence in a "supermax" prison in Florence,
Colorado for his role in the bombing of New York's World Trade Center
and the bombing of a Philippines Airlines plane two years later-a test
run for a plot to blow up 11 U.S. planes.
In fact, New York law enforcement officials believed Iraq was behind
the WTC bombing. It occurred two years after the Gulf War, pretty much
on the anniversary of the cease-fire. There is an indicted fugitive,
Abdul Rahman Yasin, an Iraqi who came from Baghdad and returned to
Baghdad; there are two other Iraqis on the fringe of the conspiracy, one
of whom the FBI wanted to arrest; and the bomb was very large.
Yousef entered the U.S. on an Iraqi passport in his own name, but he
fled the night of the bombing on a Pakistani passport in the name of
Abdul Basit Karim. There really was an Abdul Basit Karim. The son of a
Pakistani laborer, he was born and raised in Kuwait, and seems to have
died during the Iraqi occupation. The Kuwaiti Interior Ministry
maintained a file on Karim that was tampered with in order to create an
alternative identity for Yousef. The fingerprint card of the real Karim
was removed, and a new card was inserted bearing Yousef's fingerprints."
After his arrest, he boasted to U.S. authorities that he'd hoped to kill 250,000 in the World Trade Center bombing.
TWA 800 is also quite suspicious. It went down on Iraq's National Day, July 17.
Blasphemes will be back - after this moment of silence.
Thanks to mauricecano from Atlanta for the picture
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