Aug 23, 2010

McCain Expected to Win is predicting a John McCain win.

They're quick to mention how 'real conservatives' hate John since he's for campaign finance reform law, voted against the Bush tax cuts, supported "amnesty" in comprehensive immigration reforms, among other things — and very hesitantly supported him in 2008. Everyone thought that the Tea Party-backed Hayworth might finally get the job done. That's not going to work. Polls in the past couple of months have shown McCain with a 20- or 30-percentage point lead. One showed him ahead by 45.

But here's the deal - John is another one of the olgarcy ruling class of Americans that keep getting re-elected and re-elected -- and John doesn't even bring home the bacon to AZ. Especially since he lost the big one.

How does he do it? Well the $21 million he's spent, compared to Hayworth's (approximately) $3 million on the campaign MIGHT have something to do with it? At this point, why doesn't he just give everyone a check at the polling box and save his fellow Arizona citizens the constant drum beat of 'friends' before every sentence?

The goal of serving the people of the United States shouldn't be to die in your Senate chair.

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