Sep 26, 2009

Saturday Morning Cartoons

Oh the world owes us a livin' --

Walt Disney, always the anti-Communist, drives the point through the classic morality tale about not working.

Could be applied to athletes, movie stars, or just procrastinators.

And don't try to tell me that the ants are the Socialists. They're a family. And they did give charity to that lazy fuggin' grasshopper at the end. But under the condition of work.

1 comment:

Cthulhu said...

That was one of the the most disturbing depictions of insects I've ever seen.

Four-legged, glove wearing ants?


Liked the Pixar take on this story though.

The ants definitely were kinda marxist: from each according to his ability, from to each according to his need.

Obviously, the ants represent the pinnacle of any animal society here, so it is easy to see how they could have successfully integrated full communism into their way of life. Really, how many designer twigs does an ant need?