Apr 7, 2009

Oprah Opens her Mouth

Oprah Winfrey talks? barfs on? regurgitates rubber chicken? on reporters outside the Art Institute before heading into the Chicago 2016 gala for the Olympic evaluation team.
(Tribune photo by Nuccio DiNuzzo / April 6, 2009)


Reader said...

The Olympics will be good for a select few citizens of Chicago, mostly cronies of Daley. The vast majority will not attend the games. Though the infrastructure that is left behind afterwards will benefit the city, we do not need an Olympics to build that infrastructure. The citizens of this city are rightly suspicious of big ticket items like this because the city has no track record of management for things like this. Its that simple.

Cthulhu said...


That chain link fence reminds me that as the snow melts and the song birds return, Chicago once more sloughs off the icy fingers of Winter and runs headlong into the loving arms of that most joyous season, Construction.

Reader, I would argue that much of that infrastructure is going to sit unused after 2016 like so many languishing white elephants.

On another rant--why in the blue f**k are people conflating "Elephant in the room" & "800 pound gorilla?!"

One is an uncomfortable subject, the other is someone who can do whatever they wish.

Learn your cliches, damnit!

NeverMind said...

She might look better with a wad of cash shoved in that cavernous gullet of hers. What's she worth now? Think she'll get taxed by our government? Yes, that was for a laugh by the way.