Remember how unqualified Sarah Palin was?
Remember how racist all the Republicans are?
Remember how stupid those idiot Republicans were?
Stolen Election
In Minnesotta - It looks as though unfunny, failed sitcom star, failed talk radio, carpetbagger Al Franken has sued his way into getting his Senate seat. Here's the story link. From what I understand he's had absentee ballots thrown out? I don't care, but it looks like exactly like Florida to me.

The unelected Gov of NY is going to place someone with less experience than a PTA mom into the Senate. A PTA mom actually has a voting record. Caroline is qualified because her maiden name was Kennedy.... and she has a purse. Let's back up a second review the timeline.
Ted Kennedy endorsed Obama - to defeat Hillary.
Obama has already made it clear that he thinks Caroline Kennedy would be a great choice for Hillary's Senate seat.
Caroline hits the campaign trail with Obama, and even worked on the Vice-Presidential search that eventually settled on Joe Biden.
Obama floats the idea of Hillary as Secretary of State.
Ted Kennedy helps her to decide by warning that staying in the Senate won't be too much fun when she'll be squeezed off center stage on her beloved issue of health reform.
Hillary gets off her seat and who better to fill it than Ted's beloved niece, who'd already been co-chairwoman of the Obama transition committee?!
Who cares if she's qualified or not? Certainly not those people who were screaming about Sarah Palin three months ago.
(Thanks for the help on the Caroline stuff, DD2 )
Who's Racist?

Roland Burris, the man picked by Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich to represent the state in the Senate. Harry Reid is also on record for telling Blago that two white women were okay, but the three black candidates were not acceptable. Well let me ask you, you racist - what makes you qualified to be in the Senate? How about Chris Dodd?
But since Blagojevich has not been indicted [yet], has not been impeached [yet], and has not stepped down [yet], he is still [as of this writing] the Governor. All legal precedents show his appointment is legal, even though it is distasteful. Burris does meet the Age, Citizenship, and Residency requirements as laid out in the State and Federal Constitutions. Unless there is anything illegal in his past, or it is shown that Burris "Paid to Play," for the chair, the only option the Democrats have, is to seat him, and then try to expel him from the Senate, which - come on - won't be easy.
They don't have to let him on any Committees. Which is about the only thing Harry Reid can actually do... except keep opening his stupid racist mouth.
Remember when Franken stole the election?
Remember how unqualified Caroline Kennedy was?
Remember how racist the Democrats are?
You know how stupid WE ARE for letting this cycle continue without a hickup?
Senator Burris should try sitting at Denny's. They'll give him a seat.
Proof that the left and the right are basically interchangeable.
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