Jan 19, 2009

Obama, you're no Lincoln

The Obama-is-Lincoln Love Fest, sponsored by HBO[bama] aired yesterday. Maybe you saw it?

The Lincoln Memorial to be replaced with giant Obama head as soon as possible
I, for one, am a little tired of the commemorative plates and pre-inauguration concerts.

Why? Because he hasn't even been inaugurated yet. He has not accomplished anything of positive substance - even while holding office. And in holding - I really mean leaving - in search of a higher pay grade. Examples: In the Illinois legislature the largest accomplishment was learning the Chicago Way in order to earn friends and favors in order to be lifted into a largely uncontested Senate race. The Chicago Machine made sure to open Jack Ryan's sealed divorce papers, giving Obama a clear and easy shot at the chair. As Senator, having served a whole hundred and three days - ran for president, leaving his seat to be dusted off by Roland Burris, another Illinois piece of work by disgraced (because he had to ask) Governor Blagojevich.

Now there's the constant campaign to compare Obama to Lincoln (Republican, please note).

Let me be clear, there is absolutely nothing in common with 16th president, Illinoisan Abraham Lincoln.

Mr. Obama is no Abraham Lincoln. If you believe that he is, just go here and read a little more about the 16th, and possibly our greatest president. To be fair, let's all check back in 4 years and we'll compare Obama's legacy. I'll gladly eat crow... however, I respectfully remind you that THE MAN HASN'T BEEN SWORN IN YET!

If Obama's supporters are going to be allowed make silly comparisions to a man who hasn't finished any job that he's started - then I think that it's equally fair for me to compare him to Jimmy Carter. How about the 15th President of the US? James Buchanan? (Faithful readers will remember that article)

One more note - There was also a lot of talk of comparing Obama to JFK as well - which has kind of quieted down. Perhaps someone in the PR department cracked open a history book and figured out how both Lincoln and JFK's terms ended?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obama was never a rumored butt-pirate, Lincoln was