Nov 3, 2008

Stupid Gaffs and Utterances from Obama

Let's have fun and pretend that the following are simply gaffs and dumb utterances from the Obama campaign...

Audio: Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry
Pssst. If this gets out, there goes Pennsylvania....

So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can.
It's just that it will bankrupt them.

How could this statement by Obama bankrupting the coal industry been kept under wraps until now?? Oh well, that's old news...

Then there's this other one that was sent in by a reader that scares the crap out of me.

Obama plans 'Civilian National Security Force'

Uh, let me check my history book here... look under Germany... Hey! Isn't a 'civilian police force' the Gestapo?

And let's not forget the most idiotic thing I've heard since Hillary was in it... "Ask your boss for the day off"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is There No End? How Much Crap Do We Have To Hear and Know Before These Fools Wake Up?

Now we learn that Obama bin Bama's aunt from Kenya is living in the United States Illegally. Yes, you heard me Correctly Illegally! Living in rundown public housing in Boston!

WASHINGTON – Barack Obama's aunt, a Kenyan woman who has been quietly living in public housing in Boston, is in the United States illegally after an immigration judge rejected her request for asylum four years ago, The Associated Press has learned. Zeituni Onyango, 56, referred to as "Aunti Zeituni" ( cute name) in Obama's memoir, was instructed to leave the United States by a U.S. immigration judge who denied her asylum request.
Zeituni Onyango, 56, referred to as "Aunti Zeituni" in Obama's memoir, was instructed to leave the United States by a U.S. immigration judge who denied her asylum request, a person familiar with the matter told the AP late Friday. This person spoke on condition of anonymity because no one was authorized to discuss Onyango's case.
Information about the deportation case was disclosed and confirmed by two separate sources, one of them a federal law enforcment official. The information they made available is known to officials in the federal government.

So add the fact that he covered up for an illegal alien along to the long list of other crimes that he committed. And still he’s the front runner for OUR President.
Do we have to wonder if she's registered to vote? Oh come on now we know that answer. She's Most likely working for ACORN, if she’s working at all! This stuff is almost to funny to believe, you just can't make stuff like this up.
So lets take a look at this “Spread the Wealth” family….Obambi’s half brother is living in a hut in Kenya, and makes a buck a week. Auntie Abula is here illegally, living off public welfare in public housing, using public assistance that she is NOT qualified to use.. Meanwhile, Barack Hussein Obama and his lovely America hating Whitey hatin'g, Jew hating wife Michelle ma belle Obama is stuffing her face with Lobster and imported Iranian caviar and drinking Dom Perignon Champagne for lunch at the Waldorf Astoria. And yes, Auntie Boogaloo made a $260 donation to the Obama’s campaign?
Don't this is the kind of “Spreading the Wealth” sound like the kind of shit that goes on in China?
And he tells us that WE are selfish. And Joe Biden tells us that We are Unpatriotic!
If this isn't the straw that breaks the camel's back, then I just don't know if anything else will! I wonder when our Senator Obama who was born in Hawaii will send his Uncle Kunta Kinta here?
But we shouldn’t even be thinking or talking about this. Yes folks this is nothing compared to the fact that Sarah Palin spent SO much money of her clothes.