Nov 3, 2008

Holy Election Day News, Batman!

*most links cutn'pasted from NewsMax at 11:00 PM (officially before 'election day')
Just a side note: Obama was winning NH for an entire 3 days before the election.

Personally, I think the 8-10% "undecided" are actually people who voted for Bush the second time and don't want to admit it to a pollster or an Obama canvaser knocking at their door. Especially in a swing state. Every single ad is for a politician in those places. They're REALLY sick of the election and being asked what or who they're voting for. In fact, some of them will make stuff up on purpose. No, really.

Bottom line: In an election year that's defied conventional wisdom time and again, remember that anything can happen.


Anonymous said...

McCain will win because he is the better, more decent man. Obama, not having virtues, relied on hype and hoped celebrity would give people the impression of greatness.

Obama’s celebrity strategy did make an impression–one of arrogance and elitism, exactly the things in Washington with which we’re disgusted and rejecting.

McCain’s victory will rely on a number of reasons but ultimately it’s because he is a vote for our future, while Obama is a vote for wallowing in victimhood.

God Help us all if it goes the other way

Anonymous said... ignorant slut!