Aug 16, 2006

GWB's Greatest Miffs

Joe Scarborough, we all know, was a Congressman in (for?) Florida who wanted the U.S. to get out of the U.N. He has also won many awards from various cover groups. Let's take a look:

A shout out for anyone that finds a non-Republican in any of those groups. I gave you the links. Anyway, his career in politics came to an end when an intern of his was found dead in his office with many suspicious circumstances surrounding her death. You may not have heard about it. That was the summer of Chandra Levy.

But that is not what I am showing you. I would like you to see this segment from his show last night. This is a great piece. The first two minutes are a greatest hits of our fearless leader's verbal prowess. This is eventually followed by the Daily Show's in-depth report on Bush's food obsession. I thought it was a can't miss so . . .

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