Not an Onion Article!

We've Built A Flying Saucer, Boasts Iran!
Iran today boasted that it has built the world’s first flying saucer.
Called the Zohal - or Saturn in English - it said the unmanned spaceship is designed for 'aerial imaging' but added it can be used for 'various missions'.
It was unveiled by the country's officially sanctioned media on the same day it claimed to have launched a rocket into orbit with a test capsule capable of carrying a monkey into space.
The hardline Fars news agency illustrated its story with a photo of a flying saucer, akin to one appearing in a 1950s Hollywood B-movie, hovering over an unidentified wooded landscape.
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Look, if you're going to make a flying saucer claim - why not go balls out and show a picture from ID4, or something bad-ass?
In their defense, though, Ronald Reagan showed Star Wars to the Russians and it ended the cold war... or something like that. My memory of the 80's has gotten a little fuzzy.
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