Jun 19, 2009

You Look Like A Black Boy

Wait, that's a girl? Well she does look like a boy. And I mean a male child... not 'boy.' That alone would have been fairly offensive....

Why did they have to throw the race card into the mix? A 'Black' Boy. Yes, a girl who has a bad perm and also dresses like a boy - will get mocked and made fun of. She will then (probably) grow up to be an untalented bitter bull dyke lesbian who hosts awards shows. But that's more about attire than hair styles.

Why didn't the mother put her in a dress? Sue the hairstylist for that awful soul crushing perm? Maybe wear a nice hat to cover up that offending ball of hair?

But back to the 'black' part of it...

What's wrong with that?! Consider that this informative After School special for bad perms and 'your mom shops in the boy section at JC Penny' was made after the Emancipation Proclamation and probably after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream. This is so wrong on so many levels, I don't know where to start.

My first thoughts are who produced this thing? Did it air on television, or was it handed out at the beauty parlor after the stylist knew she hosed the perm?

And then there's the double racial slur of 'Black' and 'Boy' merged together... you could have a field day just with that one.

"It's not like you're really black."
Someone somewhere wrote that down on paper, gave it to some one to approve, and then the actor and director rehearsed the line, someone shot it, someone edited it, then it was shown - somewhere. No where in the process was a line like that considered offensive?

My research shows that it's from the PBS show Many Voices, Many Visions that originated from TV Ontario in the 80's. It gets a pass because - why, they didn't have slavery or something? Oh, oops. They DID. (granted it wasn't Southern Plantations, but Canadians DID engage in slavery)

I reserve the rest of my judgement until I can view the entire program.


Shiney McShine said...

If she were truly a black boy, wouldn't she also have a massive penis?

dan2600 said...

someone please find this video

sex shop said...

Little doubt, the dude is completely fair.