I'm not going to comment, yet, about the shootings at the movie theater in Aurora Colorado.
Not until I have the facts, and as respect to the dead.
There is already a knee-jerk reaction against the 2nd Amendment going on in the news media. I'm not going to engage that. I will cut and paste the radio chatter from the Aurora police scanner though...
And once they bring forth the "gunman" or the "perpetrator" they should never name him/them or show his/her face.
It seems the crazies really like the publicity.

2:27: "Bring as much crime scene tape as you can"
2:28: Aurora PD merging communications with Denver PD
2:35: Shooter wearing green camp pants
2:37: bomb squad is there, bringing in K-9 units. possible other bombs
2:40: 18 ambulances on scene
2:38 am CST a 'secondary device in an SUV parked outside a theater'.
2:55 am CST Talk of "two shooters in a coordinated attack" as well as
an SUV possibly rigged with explosives in front of the mall.
3:00 am CST Confirmation of a second bomb in an SUV infront of the theater.
3:28 am CST 4 buses set to take witnesses away from the scene.
3:42 am CST "Older cop type car" seen fleeing the scene, by multiple witnesses.
3:44 am CST 30 victims confirmed transported to various hospitals, including 4 to childrens hospitals.
3:48 am CST Deputy holding a suspect at gunpoint at a jewelers store in the mall.
3:54 am CST Possibility suspect being held is malls janitor. No confirmation yet.
4:08 am CST Suspect being held confirmed janitor. Mall still needs to be cleared.
4:21 am CST 4 Juvenile witnesses possibly directly saw shooting.
4:27 am CST multiple bomb sniffing dogs on scene.
4:31 am CST Bombsquad on scene of secondary device in vehicle.
4:38 am CST Mass casualty unit is on scene.
4:45 am CST suspect apartment found. Possible bomb making materials found.
4:47 am CST 14 confirmed killed.
4:50 am CST 2 EOD technicians clearing suspect vehicle.
4:52 am CST White Audi stopped with bullet holes and a .40 handgun. Possible connections to theater.
4:57 am CST Mall cleared, except for Macy's.
5:04 am CST Mall Manager sought to shut off sprinkler system. Possibility of water destroying evidence.
5:08 am CST 14 confirmed dead, 50 injured. Possible suspect in custody.
5:15 am CST Danger of landscaping sprinklers destroying possible evidence in apartment.
5:24 am CST Youngest victim confirmed at 6 years old.
5:29 am CST Death toll raised to 15.
5:31 am CST Red Cross has arrived on scene.
5:36 am CST Man, 24, believed to be shooter being held by police. Stated he had explosives in his car/apartment.
5:40 am CST 15th fatality believed to be prank call.
5:46 am CST Witnesses claiming possible incidents in separate theaters. No confirmation.
5:49 am CST Mall officially cleared, janitor being held released.
Oh, just as a WTF one of the trailers that the audience saw before Batman? A Sean Penn movie called Gangster Squad...
Skip to the 2:00 mark, if you dare