Aug 28, 2008

McCain's Labor Day

Labor Day weekend is almost upon us.

So is John McCain's pick for VeeP - which is an attempt to squash Obama's stadium speech tonight in Denver? Good luck.

I'm going out on a limb and I'm going to guess it'll be Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, over Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.

Why? A couple reasons. One is that Romney doesn't defuse the 7 houses crap. Also Romney probably can't deliver anything except Utah. And Utah is already going to vote straight Republican anyway. And there's the religious issue that - He's A Mormon! - the Evangelical right wing-nut side of the party probably won't be able to get over in 4 months.

What else? Tim Pawlenty puts Minnesota in play - and might even shake up the Midwest a bit. He's got a great record. And he's good and boring. Bonus, he's a Catholic turned Evangelical Christian.

And Chris Matthews hates him.
"It's like two little puddles of water coming together. There is no splash. There is no news." Chris Matthews 
Personally, I'd LIKE to see Sara Palin, Governor of Alaska. Why? She's HOT!!!

Bonus: She could deliver those angry elderly white women into the Republican side. You can't seriously tell me that all those folks are happy with how things turned out in Denver? No, seriously, you think that they're all just so happy the way that all turned out?


Anonymous said...

HOT?!! Me thinks the Cap'n needs to get out more.

Anonymous said...

Hot for an Alaskan gov i guess

Anonymous said...

Let the political pud-whacking begin!!!