Sep 8, 2008

How to Photoshop Sarah Palin

Hey readers, you've been sending in a lot of Sarah Palin photos lately - Why haven't I posted them? Especially since I suggested that she was hot, and the right pick a month before she was selected... then said she would be passed over for more boring pick Pawlenty... but who's counting.

Anyhow, to answer your question - I just don't know which ones are real, and which ones are Shopped.

For instance, you've seen this one around a lot, right?
Totally shopped from this one...

But you know, a photo essay of Sarah Palin might be what I need to get through the day.

Hold on... give me a couple hours and we'll see what happens.

(I really need to get a job...)

Here's another example.

Sometimes they don't even try very hard.

And here's the original head - but I can't seem to find the body.
It's either 'mature' pr0n model Roni from RonisParadise
(don't ask, I won't tell you how I know that)
or from naughty at home
(again, don't ask - we're cool, right?)

Feel free to click on any of the pictures to make them get super big so that you can see them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CNN fell for it