Jul 15, 2008

Dumb Cartoon

The Obama campaign is very, very upset over the cartoon on the cover by the New Yorker.

The New Yorker didn't put their drawing on their cover to hurt Obama. They expected to smear conservatives as racists. But - since the American people are too unsophisticated to get the joke...
(Andrea Mitchell: Dumb Americans Might Not Get 'Sophisticated' Cartoon)
"...The folks at the New Yorker are very smart, very learned, learned people, but once you get outside of the confines of Manhattan and the Upper West Side, you sort of begin to wonder if anyone-- if there was a conversation around the table about how will this be viewed by people who won't necessarily get the joke."
Or... you could say that this isn't a joke at all - because some people believe these images as fact. (look 'round the internet for more than five minutes, you'll see what I'm talking about) And that's not because people are racists - it's because of Hillary's people sending those stereotyped 'jokes' about Obama all over the internet and mailed in pamphlets, and spoken to her Democrat primary voters! You can't get away with blaming this on Karl 'Where'd You Go?' Rove? Way to go team Democrat!

First off - it's a terrible attempt at humor. It's not funny. Oh, wait, it's the New Yorker.
Second - Obama should be pissed, but SHOULD have laughed it off and said how stupid, and NOT funny the thing was. He could have gotten a jab into John McCain by asking for equal time - and looking forward to the un-funny cover of John McCain trying to figure out a Nintendo Wii...
Third - It's the New Yorker. Who really gives a sh*t?
Four - Let me ask you another question. Who is it that gets upset over stupid cartoons? Could it be... Muslims? They get kind of stabby and blow-uppy about such stupid things. Way to play it... way to play it gang.


  1. Isn't it time for Obama to man up?

    The Obama camp has that scheduled right after his "manicure" and "arugula puree facial"...

  2. Political Correctness has destroyed this country from within.

    Who gives a flying fuck if they cover is 'offensive'? Wahhhh ! some whiny jigaboo doesn't like it, well tough sh!!!t

    I'm sick of PC faggots enforcing their thought police on us and telling us to be more 'sensitive'
