Jul 2, 2008

Dead Lawn

I love this country...

And let me zoom into a story I just read about a couple in Sacramento, California who let their lawn die - you know - to save water resources and not burden their community. After all, the Gov had declared a state wide drought and asked people to conserve that precious water resource.

Yeah, you already know they got slapped with a $746 dollar fine.

Click the headline for the link. It's pretty damn funny. Reminds me of Brazil.

Meanwhile, here at the homestead - I've got a similar situation. Except that I'm not trying to conserve anything. You bet I have a dead lawn.

Normally, my lawn is dead. I have a massively huge tree, and my neighbors also have massively huge trees. A canopy if you will. Because of these massive trees, there is no sun. No sun? No grass. The trees deliver something called dense shade. Every blend of grass planted there doesn't take. Not that I watered that junk, nor spent a lot of time on it. Just a polite sprinkling of grass seed for the mice and birds -- and to pretend that I was trying.

This year, that massive huge tree decided to get into my septic drain for a free drink. Eff you tree... but I ain't cutting it down. No way. I'm saving too much from AC from all those leaves.

The plumber excavated my pipes, leaving a massive amount of dirt on one half of my no-lawn. I have officially decided that I'm not going to even pretend this year.

Wonder if I'll get a citation too?

Oh, and a huge branch fell down on the other half just the other day. It's massive. I'd have to drag it somewhere - but I don't want to. I'm just going to let that bad boy sit there right up front. It's more of a warning to the neighbors to a) not park in front of my house b) don't bother me.

Oh hell yeah, I'll be getting a citation.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what manner of fines the glorious state of AZ imposes on its residents. Any state that allows people to drain aquifers in order to have a lawn in the FLORKING desert deserves its fate of sinking into the earth when those aquifers collapse.

    F*ck lawns. They're so 1950's.

    Am sure you could hire some...."undocumented workers" to cart away your yard waste. Just call Richie, he'd love to have more compost down at City Hall
