Dear Cap'n~
I notice that you are already jumping off the Cubbie bandwagon at the very moment in time most people hop on. I know we have been burnt before but this year we face the D'Backs. That is doable. Colorado is doable and the Phillies are doable. I say we go to the World series.
Here is my challenge. If the Cubbies go to the world series I would like a pro-Cubs post from you explaining why we will win. If they do not make it. I will explain why we will never make it.
A bit unfair, I admit. I have 99 years of stories to draw from. You will have only pre-1945 material. But the challenge is thrown none-the-less.
Also, how many knocks does Fonzie lead off a game with. I say three in two series.
One F
You're on.