Jan 3, 2006

On this day a blog is born.

The art of blogging. Well, not so much an art. More a loosely correlated series of musings, photos, and, god help us, history. There are many types of blogs, sports blogs, political blogs, band blogs, poker blogs, and people that share a little too much blogs. Chances are if people do it, it has a blog. We, too, wanted to blog. But no one would have us.

So on January 6, 2006, the world wide web spread her legs and gave birth to a baby blog, Blasphemes. There wasn't much celebration and the ceremonial eating of the placenta was unnecessary but there it laid. In need of a good cleaning. Healthy, confused, and well spanked, Blasphemes started living.

January sixth is a good day for the birth of a blog. It was this day in 1994 that Nancy Kerrigan got knee-whacked by the world's most famous trailer trash couple. It was 01-06 when Reagan raised the gas tax to "fix the roads." This day was chosen by Washington (1) and Bush (41) to get married. This day also birthed Rowan Atkinson, Syd Barrett, Joan of Arc, Porky Pig, and Schoolhouse Rock. Goddamned Sun Myung Moon and Illinois poet Carl Sandberg were born on Jan 6. It is Epiphany. If that doesn't raise the hairs on the back of your neck stand up . . .

In Europe and Latin America (OK, every place that has Christianity but the U.S.) Epiphany is also called Three Kings Day. (If you are in Mexico make sure to put your shoes out. And FYI, don't touch my myrrh.) Epiphany itself means "to show" or "to reveal.'" Somehow, it was the three kings that first revealed that Christ came for everyone. But enough. I will now reveal to you our three wise men, Killre, Holly Would, and me, One F.

Killre is an exceptional writer who is well-informed and perceptive. I will allow him to define his own legacy but I am very excited to read his unique insights to things that I never thought to think about. Having traveled the country many times from many feet off the road, you would not believe what goes on in this great land of ours. Especially when seen with a blacklight. Killre is the main reason that the link to the dictionary appears on the right.

Holly Would is a famous actor. Although I am sure that he will be forced to share some insights and stories of La-la land he will primarily be gracing our stolen blog template with his photography. He did promise lots of nudes and stories of banging Beatrice Arthur or Weezy from the Jeffersons or some outrageous "starlet." His most recent TV work is in Sleeper Cell. You can link to an episode index to find out more about him on the right as well.

Me, I am the resident bullshitter. Don't bother calling me on it, I already know. In addition to sport, music, and food rants I will be overlooking the feel of the site and making sure the NSA internet taps are in place. I am best in non-election years and when not in Amsterdam. Something in that damned city clouds my mind.

This site has plenty of room for others as well. Feel free to add, comment, disagree, bitch, and cry with any and all of us at any time. Just click that little blue underlined word that says "Comments" and type what you have to say. Enjoy yourselves, this is for fun.

Now let's all shake this baby. Don't be afraid, babies are durable.


  1. Is this thing on? Test..Test
    In case you care, Carl Sandberg was born in Galesburg, IL, which is right next door to my hometown Knoxville. Go Bears! Go Cubs??

  2. There you are.

  3. I am not a wise man but I play one on TV. I love to comment on bullshit, often elaborating excessively. I have an opinion on most everything yet I often answer with a question. Bring on your poor, your tired, your huddled comments yearning to breathe free!

  4. Thanks a lot for the advice Jef. I tested your theory and shook my son Henry. Now he has "shaken baby syndrome" and I am facing charges. Thanks again, I will send you the legal/medical bills.
