Nov 3, 2008

Circuit City Rhymes with Sh*tty

Circuit City is closing 155 stores and withdrawing from 12 markets. This will be officially announced tomorrow at 8am, says our source. A scan we received of a letter distributed to CC employees helps corroborate the story. The tipsters say that store employees were told this morning. No information was provided at that time about severance pay. Employees in certain departments, like car installation, and Firedog, will likely be out of a job within 48 hours. Warranties will still be honored. Here's the complete official list of closing stores.

In classy fashion, Chicago CC employees were told the news at what was billed as a "holiday kickoff" meeting that instead became a "holiday layoff" meeting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Guess it's time to start looking for work at the Buy More.

If you need help, I'm on a first name basis with one guy over there..