Hey everyone. Long time. Spending time in the new home with the new child has mellowed your old friend One F out. I used rant and rave about politics and my hatred of Florida but not anymore. Recently, however, your pal F has been getting a little worked up. I know 95% of Congress are useless slugs. Spineless, xenophobic, non-boat rocking, Freedom Fry loving slugs but they have finally gone too far.
In the midst of deciding that we should retroactively give immunity to the TeleCom companies in order to better protect us from our mothers and friends (read: evil-doers), Congress has decided that tomatoes need their privacy. I bet you thought that Congress was anti-fruit rights, eh? The answer: kind of. As long as they do not marry, all is well. Sanctity of Marriage is kept by not allowing certain people to marry but by allowing all people to divorce.
As I am sure you are aware, and to my personal delight, it is currently a bad idea to eat a tomato. A salmonella outbreak has sickened near a thousand people since April and there is no way to know where the infected fruit comes from. Why not? There is no way of tracking where fruits (and vegetables, which tomatoes are not) come from. This is done to ensure the privacy of the fruit while simultaneously allow the myth of food conglomerates being equal to properly grown food. If we all found out that all of the mad cow, salmonella, and other evil bad for you things came from the same two or three companies we would start supporting smaller, safer growers.
Am I a conspiracy theorist? Well, yes, but not this time. Remember when 100% testing of mad cow was made illegal because "the consumer is not entitled to that type of information?" Less than 1% of U.S. beef is tested and our own government wants to stop further testing. (I am aware that this case is being moved up the courts and is not done but something tells me the Supreme Court, if it gets to that, may side with Bush on this one.)
Anyway, I am in favor of rights of the fruit. I would just like the same rights is all I am saying.
Update: Look at this.
Hey, good to see ya. Just a guest spot or are you back on a regular basis?
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
The foot dragging is more on the part of the Bush FDA than Congress. Congress is holding hearings preparatory to Democratic attempts to overhaul the food safety system, but it isn't likely to happen until we have a new (and better) Congress, we hope, after January '09.
We hope a better congress. I am not so convinced. Today, with the retroactive immunity given to the phone companies our fourth amendment has taken a serious beating.
Next: Roe v Wade. Time to nix the right to privacy. That is the end game, I think. The powers that be do not care about abortions but they do not want too much privacy out there.
The government is become an overprotective mother issuing no closed doors policies and making sure we are all home by nine.
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