Apr 5, 2013

Lead Sponsor of Federal High Capacity Ban Unaware Magazines Could Be Reloaded

In display of complete and total ignorance during a Denver Post forum on gun control, CO Rep. Diana DeGette (D) didn’t seem to understand the obvious basics of how firearms work, all the while being a lead sponsor on a federal ban of high-capacity magazines. As you can see in the video above, the Congresswomen seems to think magazines and ammunition are somehow one and the same and that after their initial use will no longer exist.

“I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available.”

Colorado GOP responded to Rep. DeGette statement. “It’s extremely alarming that Rep. DeGette is running federal legislation to ban magazine clips, when she doesn’t even know what a magazine clip is,” said spokesman Owen Loftus. “Rep. DeGette’s comments show that Democrats are more concerned with appeasing their radical base, than standing up for responsible, law abiding citizens.”
DeGette’s spokeswomen released a statement claiming the Congresswomen simply misspoke and that she is aware of how a magazine works.
[Denver Post]
DeGette wasn’t done there though.  Responding to a citizens question about what he is to do now that he is at a disadvantage for having to change magazines, DeGette stated with a condescending smirk, “The good news for you, you live in Denver. The [Denver Police Department] would be there within minutes.  You’d probably be dead anyway.”

I'm going to have to re-watch to see if she said "magazine clip" prior to this... [Edit] Yep. :51 seconds in on the first video.  Yet again proving these people don't 1) Know what the hell they're legislating 2) Nor do they ever read what the bills they're voting on.

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