Oct 6, 2010

An Independent Sherriff

Rico S. Giron announces his Independent
Candidacy for San Miguel County Sheriff

As Sheriff of San Miguel County, Rico S. Giron will protect the Citizens of San Miguel County in the following manner:

  1. I will declare a Moratorium on Mortgage Foreclosure lawsuits and Evictions until the banks meet stringent lawful requirements. No family will be evicted from their home or family homestead, as a result of a mortgage foreclosure suit, without a trial by jury.

  2. The “Patriot Act” will be repealed within the boundaries of San Miguel County.

  3. I will establish “Community Policing Programs” and “Keep Thy Neighbor” neighborhood associations, to help reduce drug trafficking and thus, reduce drug addictions in the County.

  4. I will establish an “Open Door Policy” for all Citizens of San Miguel County. The “little guy” will not be forgotten. No more crony-ism, nepotism or favoritism. All Citizens, rich and poor, will be treated Equally, and with Respect and fairness. In this county, “If you do the crime, you will do the time”.

  5. I will establish a “Citizens Advisory Committee” composed of 5 Citizens of San Miguel County a. housewife b. a nurse c. a college student d. a teacher e. a professor to oversee allegations of misconduct, brought against any person under the Office of Sheriff.

  6. No IRS Liens or Levies will be enforced against any Citizen of San Miguel County.

  7. No weapons will be confiscated from any law abiding Citizens of San Miguel County at any time or under any circumstances.

  8. I will abide by the letter of the law as stated within this Constitution for the united States of America. I will support and defend this Constitution for the united States of America, against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

  9. As Sheriff of San Miguel County, I will not accept any salary. All monies paid will be put in escrow and used to help WWII Veterans and other persons in need of help, pay for their winter utility bills.Thus, I will be a true servant of the Citizens of San Miguel County.

  10. Every able-bodied man and woman will be eligible to be a member of Sheriff’s Volunteer Posse, and will be required to be armed at all times to assist in keeping the peace and law enforcement duties.

    If you are sick and tired of being afraid, and of the corruption that has enveloped and dominated this county, stand up and make a difference.

    Join me and call me at 425-6590 to contribute efforts, time or money, and
    Make a Positive Change. Ricoforsheriff.com“Serve, protect and defend
I don't care for that #3, but a great wish list. I also have to support any candidate who uses the word, 'Posse' in campaign literature.

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