Apr 3, 2010

New iPad is Out

"First! Eat it suckas!"
The saddest picture of the week.

Yes, the shinny new iPad (without 3G) is out today...
Me, I'm unimpressed so far. It makes no calls. It's not going to save print, but it IS going to be the hottest fetish device that 'must be seen' on the plane and commuter train. Sure they'll sell a boat load of them and make tons of money. Doesn't mean I want one. I guess it's the non-conformist in me speaking.

It's kind of like this... if all the cool kids get one, and then I get one, I'm just part of the herd. I see it as another semi-useful product being packaged as the 'It' Shinny Product of the month. And if everyone's got one, how cool can it possibly be? And you certainly don't want to be the last one to pick one up. You're the also-ran. I imagine the last guy to get his Member's Only Jacket.

And I'm not mocking Apple. I've bought more than my fair share of Apple products over my consumer life cycle. I was even buying Mac crap in the 90's... when people would ask me if I was brain damaged... (I never did get a straight answer on that question). So it's not that I'm not a Mac Fanboi, far from it. I've simply looked at the product, the specs and I just don't think it's useful enough at that price point. It's a fairly closed system, the lack of a keyboard or stylus kind of pisses me off - so I'm going to 'suffer' with my Motorola Droid.

My Droid has a calorie counter, stopwatch, music player and internet browser. Sure, I probably don't want to read War and Peace on the screen -- but I probably wouldn't on an iPad either. That's me.

Well, actually it might be you too. Here's a handy flow chart.

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