Mar 16, 2010

Iron On Jesus

A woman from Methuen, Massachusetts claims that she saw an image of Jesus on her iron. Stop the press. [pun intended, but not intended to be funny]

Last August, Mary Jo Coady was going through a difficult point in her life. Not only had she and her husband separated, but Mary Jo’s hours at work were cut, meaning less income in a declining economy.

In the midst of life’s complications, Mary Jo saw an image of Jesus Christ on her iron, restoring her confidence that “life is going to be good.”
Jesus on Iron

Mary Jo Coady discovered the image of Jesus Christ when she walked into her daughter’s bedroom.

The brownish residue on the bottom of the iron looked like the face of a man with long hair. Mary Jo is convinced that it’s Jesus on the iron.

Coady, now 44 years old, was raised Catholic. She and her two college-age daughters agree that the image looks like Jesus and is proof that “he’s listening.”

Coady prays her story would inspire others.

Currently, the iron possessing the image of Jesus Christ is safe in closet.

1 comment:

WaffleMan said...

Jesus? looks more like Cher to me.