Apr 15, 2009

Tea Baggers

Do you pay taxes?

Did you pay them today?

I mean, do you physically write a check every month to the IRS, or your bank with a 941 Quarterly payment?

Or do you just get yours withdrawn from your paycheck.

I'm going to assume that the good readers and followers of Blasphemes actually have jobs. Or at least jobs that require some amount of paperwork above the table.

I do pay my taxes. I write a lot of checks. In fact, the only reason I have a check book anymore is to write over money to the Feds. And I spend a lot of time in Chicago, so every time I buy something 10.25% of that receipt goes to Todd Stroger's family. Why do I always pick on Todd? I know it's not going to better schools or improved roads. Even the sidewalks are crumbling to dust.

So what's all this nonsense about the Tea Bag parties? Well, I was going to say "not much" - but then the MSM all the sudden went grape-nuts and couldn't stop making fun of it. Really? I really expected the media to completely ignore the events staged all over the country today - as if it didn't happen. But in fact, they're going out of their way to make fun of it. Or compare it to the Thai Protests, or the women in Afghanistan... again, to make fun of it. But the best joke is the name of the event.

Now making a "tea bag" joke really doesn't get much play outside of San Francisco or Halsted Street in Chicago. But why keep bringing it up? Are they scared that the Tea Bag movement might gain some traction?

Besides - the Democrats only rase taxes for the rich, right? And would Obama's constituents even notice? The rich ones don't pay taxes, they engage in "tax-reduction" strategies. They work for the government, or they're too rich to care. I'm sure many of them have offshore tax shelters, like George Soros.

The other constituents are engaged in a whipped up class warfare.

Look at California. In June 2002, the liberal American Prospect magazine called California a "laboratory" for Democratic policies, noting that "California is the only one of the nation's 10 largest states that is uniformly under Democratic control."

They said this, mind you, as if it were a good thing. In California, the article proclaimed, "the next new deal is in tryouts."

In just a few years, Democrats had turned California into a "job-free zone" – with a $41 billion deficit, a credit rating that was slashed to junk-bond status and a middle class now located in Arizona.

The Democrats governed California the way Democrats govern Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, and New Orleans. They had an entire state. They bought the votes of government workers with taxpayer-funded jobs, salaries and benefits – and then turned around and accused the productive class of "greed" for wanting not to have their taxes raised through the roof.

Having run out of things to tax, now the California Legislature is considering a tax on taxes. Seriously.

California was, in fact, a laboratory of Democratic policies. Now Obama and the Democrats are trying it at the National level.

That's what the tea parties are about.


Cthulhu said...

Point of Information:

How has the California economy fared under its newish Republican governor?

Cthulhu said...

I also forgot to add that Capitalism is Un-American.

By which I mean that capitalism doesn't care one iota about nationalist pride or interests, only the good of the individual or the corporation. The notion of a nation or "state" is at odds with the success of a true, pure capitalist environment.

"What's good for GM is good for America" is a classic example of Imperialism.

Just saying.

WaffleMan said...

wasnt it the onion that said : Muscleman Put In Charge Of World's Fifth-Largest Economy

Capn said...

I think i'm missing a bridge from one thought to California.
Sorry, I've been puking my guts out all week.

Who Cares said...

A bunch of people whining about the government. Just live your life and enjoy time with friends and family. Is complaining about government and holding some poorly made sign going to change anything...No.

Cthulhu said...


We understand a boater's healthy distrust of bridges, but yes, this is a disjointed tale.

someguy said...

Who Cares: "holding some poorly made sign going to change anything" exactly - just like the war protesters, equal rights people, civil rights... yeah, that protestin' never works.