Jan 14, 2009

Dead Celebs

Ricardo Montalban dies at 88.

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Ricardo Montalban, the Mexican-born actor who became a star in splashy MGM musicals and later the wish-fulfilling Mr. Roarke in TV's "Fantasy Island," who spent a couple years as a building contractor, died Wednesday morning after falling off Dodgers Stadium, being steamrolled, and trampled by a university marching band

Khan. Fantasy Island. That Spy Kids movie. Mr. Montalban will be buried in casket of rich Corinthian leather. He will be missed.

Prisoner' star Patrick McGoohan dies
Patrick McGoohan, the creator and star of the landmark TV series "The Prisoner," has passed away.

You should know that all 17 episodes of "The Prisoner" are now available for free at the AMC Web site. Why? Because the cable network is remaking the series with Jim Cavaziel and Ian McKellan for a 2009 release. More information about that version of "The Prisoner" is here.

I would normally scoff at the idea, but AMC makes Mad Men, and that's the best and smartest political commentary I've come across in decades. My only hope is that they don't screw this one up. Now it can be a tribute.

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