Aug 13, 2008

Goth Party Failure

Tampa Bay hosted a Goth party that called itself "Convergence 14"

First off, it was in the DAY TIME. Automatic fail.
Second, Tampa. Florida. Yeah, in the summer. Can you imagine the stench of BO and the runny mascara? Here's the original link to the story... if you dare...

Dude? Ah... the ComiCon was last weekend
And no, I'm not going to validate your parking.

Ice Skating? Can someone tell me EXACTLY what's Goth about that?

Okay, not complaining about the bikini fashion show
- hold on a tick... a BIKINI show? 
At an event for pasty vampire Gothy people? Judges? 
Yep. That's a fail.

Mojitos? Yeah, I know it's Florida... but isn't that supposed to be clove cigarettes and blood? At least box red wine? I'm fairly sure mojitos at a Goth event is a fail. 
In the picture, "Acid Poptart" gets classy by downing some right before the bikini contest. 
(I really hope that's not a dude!)
((double bonus, check the guy behind her holding his nose...))

And then there's this: The "OneFonz" was going to jump over a remote controlled shark in a pool. It was just a kiddie pool so I expected it to be, you know, funny. 
Then they took away the pool to make it safer. What?
Let me remind you that these people are supposed to be like a death cult or something?
And, note, this activity is a) outside, b) during the day.
Annie Rice must be spinning in her grave...

Oh, and then he couldn't even make this jump

Dude. That's an Epic Ultimate fail.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hilarious! I screwed up my "name" so I had to re-post