Mar 2, 2008

Florida Voters: The Revenge

Florida might just give Hill Dog a new reason to live through the March 4th Primary! My Source (pops out a new window)

Florida Governor Charlie Crist said he'd support a repeat of the Democratic presidential primary so the state's delegates can be counted at the party's national convention.

DNC Chairman Howard Dean said he's open to the possibility. Primary elections are paid for by a state's taxpayers, so the offer from Crist, a Republican, [my emphisas] is "very helpful'' because money is an issue, Dean said.

If you can't read between the lines here, this is a master stroke on the part of the Republicans, and specifically Gov. Crist. Here's my take on this:

HillDog will take Florida because of the ex-old-New Yonkers crowd, and the pure fact that since she has the old ladies over 65 wrapped up nationally, and there are more old ladies in Florida - she'll take the state, or by DNC terms, enough to keep fighting into the Convention.

And in the classic case of Vizzini logic, they have to fall into the trap...

You're trying to trick me into giving away something. It won't work.

What in the world is that?!

The DNC can't refuse the offer or it will disenfranchise the very same voters that they vociferously demanded every vote be counted in 2000!

On top of this, Florida is such a critical swing state for the general election that they cannot risk continuing to piss off Florida voters!

The only snag in "perfect game theory" here is that it's not a "here's Hillary's votes." Instead, it's a "well, let's try that again - do-over - kind of situation." The joke can be "there are no do-overs, unless your name is Clinton..."

Can't top that gag - so grab some popcorn, let's see how this pans out!

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