Nov 26, 2007

Obama, not a gun nut

Obama: My wife sees need for rural gun ownership

It must be deer season, as it seems everyone was talking about guns in the last week. Fred Thompson said the gun show he attended was "Heaven." I think Rudy had the best question to the question of the Second Amendment. When asked about the right to bear arms, he asked the question back, "do you have a criminal record?" He asked a second question, "are you mentally imbalanced?" [Response, 'no'] "Good, then I don't have a problem with you having a gun." And of course we all know that the Republicans won the coin toss to be 'in favor' of us having a Second Amendment.

The Democrats always call tails.

Barack Obama may actually be gaining and beating Hillary at the moment. (but you can't rely on Iowa polls - since the electorate there can change their mind up until the last moment... no really, I posted something about that earlier this month) Obama is asked frequently about his stance on gun control, er, that is, how he reads the second amendment and gun ownership.

When asked, he said that his wife, Michelle, had said that she could see why rural folks might want to own guns.

"We should be able to combine respect for those traditions with our concern for kids who are being shot down. This is a classic example of us just applying some common sense, just being reasonable, right? And reasonable would say that lawful gun owners – I respect the Second Amendment. I think lawful gun owners should be able to hunt, be sportsmen, protect their families.
Okay, Michelle is against kids blowing kids away in class - my answer to that, arm everyone. Or at least be prepared. Remember that kid with the mental disorder who no one would take responsibility for at Virginia Tech? The Korean nut job who thought he was in the Matrix or something and killed everyone in a lecture hall? How did he even get a FOID card? He was a Korean national, right? The Constitution doesn't apply to aliens, only US Citizens. Anyhow, somehow Cho acquired two illegal firearms: a small-bore .22-caliber Walther P22 semi-automatic handgun and a 9 mm semi-automatic Glock 19 handgun - not exactly the kind of caliber to blow down doors. How come no one threw a book or an iPod at Cho? It would have made him flinch and the class could have jumped him. Or a person could have. Might have. It's just not the sort of thing the victims were even capable of thinking of.

Of course, little kids get killed in gang crossfire while playing in parks and playgrounds in Chicago all the time - but you only read about those stories, and even then, buried in the back of the Metro section. Usually page 5 or 6. A pregnant woman was shot in front of her other children this Halloween. Chicago also has a ban on handguns... You know who else is from Chicago?
"And by the way, Michelle, my wife, she was traveling up, I think, in eastern Iowa, she was driving through this nice, beautiful area, going through all this farmland and hills and rivers and she said 'Boy, it's really pretty up here,' but she said, 'But you know, I can see why if I was living out here, I'd want a gun. Because, you know, 911 is going to take some time before somebody responds. You know what I mean? You know, it's like five miles between every house.'

Let me get this straight, Michelle, if roving gang members are rolling on their way to Fields of Dreams, it's perfectly okay for Farmer Bill to blow them away in this home invasion scenario you're working on here - but if I do it in the city limits - that's not kosher? And let's be clear about something - Farmer Bill is calling 911 for a medical emergency - not home invasion. What the hell is his gun going to do... oh, maybe you're advocating the right to die?

"So the point is, though, we should be able to do that, and we should be able to enforce laws that keep guns off the streets in inner cities because some unscrupulous gun dealer is, you know, letting somebody load up a van with a bunch of cheap handguns or sawed-off shotguns and dumping them and selling them for a profit in the streets."

Maybe if you didn't outlaw the guns, there wouldn't be a profit margin on those guns? Has your wife considered that? Perhaps if we had a real drug policy instead of the un-ending war on drugs there wouldn't be profit motive in keepin' the sales regions enforced? But banning guns solves these problems... Michelle?

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