Jan 11, 2007

Today, we are all high

Well, this is it for me. My last political post. Americans nor America itself can possibly win back it's respect and dignity while the man to my left is anywhere near a suit, tie, and Karl Rove. We will never do what is right. We will spy on our own by tapping phones and reading mail. We will torture and kill based simply on our ideology and not based on guilt or innocence or any sort of judicial process that this country was founded on. We will send our sons and daughters to die in deserts in the middle east without the courage to look them in the eyes and tell them why they are risking their lives for us without the proper armor and with an ever changing rational. There is nothing that we can do to stop this man. We are not smart enough. And like Billy Pilgrim, we will repeat our steps and know our demise. And like Billy Pilgrim there is nothing that we can do about it.

Last night, the President of the United States of America, stood in the White House library to trick us one more time. Rove put him in the library because if he were to deliver the speech from the Oval Office Americans WOULD BE REMINDED OF THE FALSE PROMISES that proceeded this series of false promises. It also was not in any other room that would be recognizable as having a feeling of power. He didn't want to remind us.

How low have we sunk? You know what else was not in the speech. Do you know what symbol that once referred to power and hope and dominance and good was missing? The symbol that now is a somber reminder of failed promises and the lives and treasure wasted in the name itself? The American Flag. Absent because we might be reminded of previous lies spread from this President's mouth under the shadow of a giant flag.

And what took the flag's place as a backdrop. No slogans. No troops (thank God). No members of any party. No 'Mission Accomplished' banner. A simple, ornate water pipe. A bong.

And looking like the scared and unsure child that he is, the President tricked us again. The conversation we will have now is to surge or not to surge. To call it a surge or an escalation. A month ago it was to stay or to go. We lose.

I am now no longer going to worry about it. I will opt to enjoy the rest of my life in the empire that we have become: Rome II. I will now write strictly about music, dancing, games, books, drinking, and general fun historical facts. But the political thing is over. I mean it. Over.

Until the presidential campaigns start.


Killre said...

I'd caption this photo...

"Fazed, with drawl."

Killre said...

"George W. 'Fazed, With Drawl' Bush..."


"The President, looking fazed and withdrawn, addressed the nation last night..."